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Cake Recipes

अंडारहित चॉकलेट स्पंज केक (Eggless Chocolate Sponge Cake)

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Baking Time: 30 to 35 minutes.

Baking Temperature: 180ºC (360ºF)

Makes 1 cake

Ingredients :

1 1/4 cups plain flour (maida)

2 tbsp cocoa powder

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp soda bi-carb

3/4 cup condensed milk

4 tbsp melted butter

1 tsp vanilla essence

2 tsp melted butter for greasing

2 tbsp plain flour (maida) for dusting

Instruction :

1. Sieve the plain flour` cocoa powder` baking powder and soda bi-carb together and keep aside.

2. Combine the condensed milk` melted butter` vanilla essence and mix well.

3. Add the prepared sieved plain flour-cocoa mixture and 5 tbsp of water and mix gently with help of a spatula.

4. The batter should be of dropping consistency.

5. Grease the cake tin with butter on all the sides.

6. Dust with plain flour and sift to ensure uniform distribution of the flour. Shake and tap the tin to remove the excess flour.

7. Pour the prepared cake batter into a greased and dusted 175 mm. (7") diameter tin and spread it evenly.

8. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180ºC (360ºF) for 25 to 30 minutes or till done.

9. The cake is ready when it leaves the sides of the tin and is springy to touch.

10. When ready` remove from the oven` invert the tin over a plate and tap sharply to unmould the sponge.

11. Keep aside to cool and use as required.