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Marathi Recipes

Fried Modak - तळलेले मोदक


1 cup Grated Coconut
1/2 cup Sugar
2 tbsp Cream
Chopped Dry fruits (Almonds & Cashews)
Cardamom Powder
2 tbsp Ghee
1 cup Wheat Flour
1 cup All purpose Flour
Salt to taste

1 वाटी किसलेले खोबरे
1/2 कप साखर
2 चमचे मलई 
चिरलेला बदाम आणि काजू
ठेचून वेलची चिमूटभर
2 मोठे चमचे तूप
1 कप गव्हाचे पीठ
1 कप मैदा
चवीपुरते मीठ


For Filling
- Take a pan, add the grated coconut, sugar & cream. Mix well and let the cream melt.
- Add dry fruits, cardamom powder and again mix well. Let it cook on a low flame for 5 mins.
- In the meanwhile, take a small pan, add ghee and let it come to a boil.

For Covering
-  In a bowl, add wheat flour, maida & salt. Add the hot ghee to the mixture and stir with a spoon.
- Add water to the flour mixture & make a soft dough.
- Meanwhile, take a frying pan and add oil for heating.
- Take small portions of the dough and start rolling into soft small rotis.
- Fill each roti with the coconut mixture.
- Pinch the edges of the roti, bring it together & seal properly so that no oil goes in while frying. Similarly make all the modaks.
- Fry the modaks till golden brown.