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Snack Recipes

Methi Para Nimki


Refined flour (मैदा )  - 2 cup (250 gms) 
Ghee (घी) - 1/4 cup (60 gms) 
Green Fenugreek (हरी मेथी ) - 1/2 cup 
Salt (नमक ) - 1/2 tsp or as per taste 
Carom Seeds (अजवायन ) - 1/2 tsp 
Oil (तेल ) - for frying 

Getting Ready : 

1. Take 1/2 cup Fenugreek leaves, remove thick stalk and wash the leaves well, dry them up make bunch and cut into fine slices.
Making :
2. Take 2 cup refined flour. Make a hollow pit in it. Then add 1/2 tsp salt, crush and add 1/2 tsp carom seeds,1/4 cup ghee. Mix all ingredients well.Add water in small portion and knead a stiff dough.We have used 1/2 cup water for it.Cover and keep the dough aside to set for 20 minutes. 
3. After 20 minutes, when dough is set. Grease hands with ghee squash and smoothen the dough. Break the dough into lumps. Make a long log. Break lumps, make round ball and give peda like shape. Apply ghee on the rolling board,apply ghee on the rolling pin and smoothen it. Lift and roll out the the poori. Later rotate the rolling board instead. Roll out4 to 5 inch in diameter.
4. Once rolled out Cut and divide into 2 parts.Lift a side and fold by overlapping like this. Press with palm to stick both edges. Prepare all nimkis likewise. 
5.Turn on flame, Heat some oil in a wok. Once oil is hot, Put the nimkis to fry.Put as many nimkis to fry, as they fit in the wok. Fry nimki well, till it floats over oil. Flip and fry till golden brown.
6. To take them out, keep the shorter edge downward facing. Hold the laddle on the edge of wok for a while till oil drains back to wok.Fry all nimki likewise. Turn off flame, place in a plate. It takes 5 to 6 minutes to fry nimki at once.We have made 40 nimki papdi,with this quantity of dough.

7. Methi Nimki Papdi makes and amazing snack. Relish it anytime during your tea break. You will relish these crispy Methi Nimki Papdi.