Ingredients for Veg Semiya
Roasted Vermicelli (भुने हुए सेवई) - 1 cup (150 gms )
Baby Corn (बेबी कॉर्न ) - 4 ( finely chopped )
Capsicum (शिमला मिर्च ) - 1 (finely chopped )
Carrot (गाजर ) - 1 (finely chopped )
Tomatoes (टमाटर ) - 2 (finely chopped )
Cauliflower (फूल गोभी ) - 1/2 cup (finely chopped )
Green Peas (हरी मटर ) - 1/2 cup
Green coriander (हरा धनिया ) - 3 to 4 tbsp (finely chopped )
Butter (मक्खन ) - 2 tbsp
Pasta Sauce (पास्ता सॉस ) - 2 tbsp
Green chilies (हरी मिर्च ) - 2 (finely chopped )
Chaat Masala (चाट मसाला ) - 1/2 tsp
Ginger paste (अदरक पेस्ट ) - 1 tsp
Salt (नमक ) - 1 tsp or to taste
How to make Namkeen Sevaiya
1. Take roasted vermicelli.Boil 2 cups water in a vessel.Add roasted sevaiya to the water. Boil till vermicelli softens.
2. To cook veggies, put butter in a pan, add ginger paste finely chopped green chili. Reduce flame. Add carrots, baby corn. Stir and cook well on high flame for 1 minute.
3. Add cauliflower,green peas and capsicum. Cook veggies for 3 minutes. Add tomatoes and roast slightly. Meanwhile vemicelli has turned soft so turn off it's flame.
4. When veggies are cooked, pasta sauce, chaat masala,salt and stir well. Veggies are cooked .
5. Add the vermicelli to the veggies, a little green coriander, Mix all ingedients till they blend well.Reduce flame.Stir well and cook for 2 minutes. Serving :
6. Once ready take it out in a plate serve it steaming hot. Relish it anytime.