Ingredients(सामग्री )
Sugar(चीनी)- 300 gm
गुलाब जामुन (Gulab Jamun Recipe)s Khoya or Mava(मावा (खोया) - 300 gms
Cheege( पनीर) - 100 gms
flour (मैदा)- 50 gms
Almond(chopped)(बादाम) - 1 tbsp
Cashew(chopped)(काजू )-1 tbsp
Cardamom Powder(इलाइची पाउडर)- 3 (medium)
Water(पानी) - 1 Cup (300 ml)
How to make Gulab Jamun Recipe
- 1.First to mash the paneer untill smooth
2.Now mash the mawa untill smooth
3. mix the soft paneer also add refined flour to it. Mix everything really well with hands and prepare soft dough.
4.Now we will make the mixture of cashew,almond and a little amount of mawa for stuffing in gulab jamun
5.For making the gulab jamun , divide the dough into small lumps. you can make the size of gulab jamun small or big as desired will make the syrup for the gulab jamun.heat a vessel on flame add sugar and 1 cup of water to it.
7.Now let the sugar dissolve in water completely check the consistency of sugar syrup,take 1 or 2 drops in a bowl and let it cool down.
8.Take syrup between your finger and thumb and stretch it the syrup has to be sticky like honey. take refined oil or ghee for frying gulab jamun at low flame afer heating ghee gulab jamun drop them to ghee.
10.Make sure you don't directly touch them with the ladle when gulab jamun turns golden brown. flip them directly with the laddle as these are roasted other side.
12.once the gulab jamuns becomes golden brown in colorfrom all sides
13.take them out and drop these fried gulab jamuns directly to the sugar syrup.
14. the sugar syrup should be little warm press them down using a spoon to soak nicely in sugar syrup