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Chocolate Paratha Pizza | Chocolate Pizza With Fruit Toppings | Chocolate Recipes | Dessert Recipes

Chocolate Paratha Pizza

Serves-1- 2


Wheat flour (Atta) – 2 cups

Grated Chocolate- 1 cup

Powdered Sugar-1 cup

Molten chocolate – 1 cup

Chopped chiku-1 cup

Chopped apple- 1 cup

Chopped banana-1 cup

Chopped kiwi – 1 cup

White chocolate bar – 1

Mix Fruit Jam – 1 cup

Water- as required


Make an atta dough with powdered sugar and grated chocolate.

Make a paratha on a heated pan with butter.

Smear mixed fruit jam on the chocolate paratha & and add fruit toppings.

Drizzle some molten chocolate on top Grate some white chocolate and serve.