Ingredients Needed:
1. Half a pan of Water
2. Whole Wheat Pasta
3. Pinch of Salt
4. 6-7 pieces of Patra
5. 1/2 a Carrots
6. 1/2 a Capsicum
7. Garlic (We love it, so have used a lot. But if you don't use it sparingly)
8. 1/4 of a bunch Coriander
9. 5 French Beans
10. 4 Olives
11. 2 Jalapenos
13. half tsp Chilli flakes (Use it as much as you want.)
14. Crushed Pepper Corns (if you love it, then go bananas with it)
15. 3 drops of Hot Sauce
16. Olive Oil (1 tsp each for the seasoning and frying)
17. 5 leaves of Basil 18. Coriander for garnish
1. Heat water
2. Add a pinch of salt
3. Boil Pasta.Please keep in mind that you are making a pasta salad. So you don't need a lot of pasta. It is just one of the condiments in your salad. This will make your Salad heavy enough to be a complete meal
4. Chop Veggies
5. Par Boil Veggies in the Pasta Water
6. Make your dressing with a tsp of Olive Oil, Olives, Jalapenos, Black Pepper, Hot sauce and chilli flakes.
7. Keep the dressing aside
8. Cook the par boiled veggies and pasta in a pan. Use only 1 tsp of Olive oil to fry all your ingredients. Remember that this is a salad, too much oil will kill the health angle
9. Add a couple of olives to your pasta pan
10. We are replacing Tofu with our good old Patra. So add the patra to the pasta at this stage. You can simply crumb the patra in. Use your hands to do this. We don't need anything fancy
11. Take pasta and patra mixture off the flame and put it in a a bowl or plate of your choice
12. Mix the dressing in well
13. Enjoy your healthy home made Pasta Patra Salad