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Side Dish Recipes

Mushroom in Garlic Sauce | Mallika Badrinath Indian Recipes | Chapathi Side Dish


Mushroom (Sliced) -- 1 Packet

Sliced Onion -- 3

Oil -- For Deep Frying

Finely Cut Garlic -- 5

For Hot Garlic Sauce (Mix Together):

Tomato Puree -- 1 Cup

Tomato Sauce -- 2 Tblspn

Capsico Sauce -- 2 Tsp

Light Soya Sauce -- 2 Tblspn

Vinegar -- 1 Tsp

Sugar -- 2 Tsps

Rice Flour -- 1 Tspn

Salt -- To Taste

Other Ingredients:

White Pepper Powder -- ½ Tsp

Garam Masala Powder -- Little


1. Wash & Slice Mushrooms.

2. Heat Oil in a deep curved pan, fry garlic and then onion & mushrooms until golden.

3. Add all the mentioned ingredients under sauce and cook.

4. Add water accordingly to taste.

5. Boil for few minutes, add pepper powder, Garam Masala.