Ingredients: • 3/4 cup Thick curd • 3/4 cup Milk • 3/4 cup condensed milk / Milkmade • 2 tsp Corn flour • 1/4 tsp Cardamom powder Method: • Take thick curd` milk and condensed milk and corn flour. • Tie regular curd in a clean cloth and drain all the water. This is thick curd. You can also use Greek yogurt. • Beat the mixture really good. The mixture should be homogenous. • No lumps of curd should be left behind. • Add cardamom powder and mix well. • Take a pot that comes with cooker in which we make dal or rice. • Pour out the mixture into the pot. Sprinkle a little cardamom powder for garnishing. • You can also add saffron strands for garnishing. • Take cooker. Put a dish at the bottom and add 1” water above it. • Put another pot at the bottom and place kharvas mixture pot above it. • Remove the whistle and close the lid. • Steam the kharvas on medium heat for about 35-40 minutes. • Remove the pot from cooker and insert the fork at the centre of the kharvas. • If the fork comes out clean it means kharvas is already. • Cut it into square pieces. • If you want you can pour out the whole kharvas like cake. • Just loosen up from sides and flip over into a dish. • You can have kharvas as it is. It tastes better when chilled.