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Maggi Noodles Spring Roll | Quick Easy To Make Appetizer | Fast Food Recipe By Ruchi Bharani


1/4 cup shredded cabbage

1/2 capsicum cut lengthwise

1 spring onion cut lengthwise

4-5 french beans cross cut

Maggi noodles and taste maker

1 cup of tomato sauce

1 tablespoon oil

1/2 teaspoon ginger chilli paste

1 teaspoon chaat masala

salt to taste

tabasco or capsico sauce

plain flour paste


To make the filling:

- Heat 1 tbsp. oil. Saute capsicum and french beans for 2 minutes.

- Add Maggi noodles.

- Add water and let the mixture boil. Add the taste maker.

- Add ginger chilli paste, chaat masala, 1 and 1/2 tbsp. tomato ketchup, shredded cabbage and spring onions. Add salt as per taste and mix well.

To make the rolls:

- Take one spring roll sheet. Spread the noodles mixture over the sheets.

- Make tight rolls covering up the noodle mixture completely. Fix the edges of the rolls with plain flour paste and deep fry the rolls.

- Cut the rolls in pieces once they cool down a bit.

- Serve with capsico and tabsaco sauce mixture.