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Garlic Recipes

Chef Special Episode`Honey Garlic Chicken & Papaya Salad`Chicken Recipe

Chicken Breast 2 pieces

Salt to taste

Black Papers to taste

Light Soya Sauce/

Lemon Juice 1 tsp

Paprika Powder 1 tsp

Chopped Garlic 8/10 Cloves

Honey 2/3 tbs

Butter 2 tbs

Papaya Salad

- Gratted Papaya 1 Cup

Gratted Carrot as you needed

Onion Slices 1 tbs

Chopped Garlic 1 tsp

Salt, Black Papers to taste

Chilly flex 0.5. tsp

White Vineger 1 tsp

Olive Oil 1 tsp

Fresh Coriander as you needed

Roasted Sesami 0.5 tbs