Ingrdeients :-
8-10 Bread Slices,
1 Cup Grated Cheese,
2 Tbsp Grated Cheese,
2 Tbsp Cheese spread,
1 Cup Chopped Red, Yellow, Green Capsicum,
1 Cup Boiled Corn
1 Cup Chopped Tomato,
1 cup Chopped Onion,
4 Tbsp Tomato Sauce
1/2 Cup Coriander,
2 Tbsp Chilli Sauce,
2 Tbsp Butter, Chilli Flakes, Oregano as require,
Salt to Taste.
Procedure :
- Heat butter in pan. Add onion & saute for a while.
Then add capsicum & saute again.
Then add tomato & corn, then cook for 1 minute.
Add chilli sauce, tomato sauce & 1/2 cup cheese & cook for a while.
Lastly add coriander and the mixture is ready.
With the help of rolling pin roll all bread slices as thin as you can.
Apply butter in baking tray. Firstly spread sauce in the tray, then on that place all rolled slices.
Spread cheese on top, then spread sauce, chilli flakes, oregano & arrange second layer of bread sheets.
Repeat this process for one more time.
Take cheese & cheese spread in a bowl and mix well.
Now spread this mixture on top of bread sheet.
Sprinkle chilli flakes & oregano and bake it at 200*C for 15 minutes.
Serve hot.