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Chocolate Recipes

Molded Chocolate Recipe | Valentine Special | madhurasrecipe


• 1 cup Dark chocolate

• 1 cup Milk chocolate

• 2 drops Vanilla essence

• Dry fruits of your choice

• Wrapping paper for chocolates


• Heat up water in a sauce pan.

• Put a bowl in it. Bowl should not touch the water in the pan.

• Add dark chocolate and milk chocolate compound into the bowl.

• Mix well and cook until the chocolate melts on medium heat for about 7-8 minutes.

• When chocolate melts, add vanilla essence and mix well.

• You can add flavoring according to your taste.

• Take silicon mold and fill the melted chocolate in it.

• You also can use ice cube tray if you don’t have silicon tray.

• Tap the mold a little so that the chocolate will spread evenly.

• You can add fillings in the chocolate according to your taste like coconut, peanut butter, cherries, gems or dry fruits.

• You can make variations according to your taste. • Fill some molds up to half of its capacity.

• Let it set in freezer for just about 5 minutes.

• After 5 minutes, remove the tray and add almonds in half filled molds.

• Add melted chocolate again on almonds and tap the tray.

• Keep the mold in freezer for 30 minutes.

• Take the chocolates out of the mold and wrap them into wrapping paper.

• Keep the side having heart shape facing down and wrap from all sides.

• Molded chocolates are already.