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Chocolate Recipes

How To Make Chocolates At Home - Homemade Chocolate Recipes


1/3 cup Cocoa powder

1/3 cup milk powder

1/3 cup Icing sugar or as required

70 grams melted butter

Nuts as required

Rice balls as needed

How to make:

1. Put all the dry ingredients (cocoa powder, milk powder, icing sugar) in a bowl and mix it well.

2. Now gradually add melted butter, mix it well and make a thin batter till it becomes smooth. Do not keep the batter longer time on counter top as it will gradually become thick so do not wait pour the batter immediately into the chocolate moulds.

3. Divide mixture into two parts:

4. Mix rice balls into half of the chocolate mixture and fill the silicon mould completely. Tap the mould so that mixture gets spread evenly.

5. Now take rest of the mixture and fill half of the mould with chocolate mixture, now put roasted nuts of your choice on top and cover the nuts with chocolate mixture and fill the mould completely. In the same way tap the mould so that mixture gets spread evenly.

6. Keep the silicon moulds in the refrigerator and leave it to set for an hour.

7. After an hour take out the chocolates from the mould.

8. Store chocolates in an air tight container or wrap them with colored papers and gift to family and friends.