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Dessert Recipes

Cold Coffee Cake Recipe by Food Fusion

Cold Coffee Cake

Serves 5-6

Recipe in English:


-Doodh (Milk) 500 ml

-Instant coffee 1 tbs

-Cheeni (Sugar) 3 tbs or to taste

-Cream 400 ml

-Bareek cheeni (Caster sugar) 2-3 tbs or to taste

-Cocoa powder 1 & ½ tbs

-Rusk 1 packet



-In saucepan,add milk,instant coffee and sugar,whisk well and bring it to boil & set aside.

-In bowl,add cream,caster sugar,cocoa powder,whisk well & set aside

. -Now dip rusk one by one through the coffee+milk mixture to absorb the liquid then settle into a serving dish forming a bed.

-On wet layer of rusk,add a layer of cream+cocoa powder mixture.

-Repeat the layers alternatively until you reach the edge of the serving dish.

-Garnish with cream and coffee powder. -Freeze for 3-4 hours & serve!