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Main Course Recipes

Microwave Veg Pulav | Easy to make Main Course Recipe | Ruchi's Kitchen


1 Cup rice soaked for half hour

1 cup of vegetables – Cauliflower, French Beans,Carrots, Corn

1 tbsp oil

½ tsp cumin seeds


2 green chilies

1 tbsp ghee

2 Cinnamon pieces

¼ tsp Garam Masala

1 Onion cut lengthwise

2 cups of water

Salt to Taste


- Take a microwave bowl

– add oil and little bit of ghee, microwave it for one minute on high power

- Add cumin seeds, cinnamon, cloves and microwave it for 30 secs

- Add onions, green chillies stir the mixture and add all the vegetables.

- Add the rice ( soak it for 20-30 minutes before adding)

- Add a Garam Masala, salt to taste and stir it properly

- Add 2 cups of water

- Cover the bowl with Cling Film and make few holes to let the steam out

- Microwave for 8 minutes then stir well and again microwave for 4 minutes