2 cups tapioca pearl, cooked
1 Tbsp Mango Flavored Gelatin Powder
2 cups water
1 Big Can (370ml)
Evaporated Milk 1 Big Can (300ml)
Condensed Milk 1 Tbsp
Mango Powdered Juice
1 Tbsp Unflavored White Gelatin Powder
1 (22g) sachet Milo
2 cups Water
1 Big Can (370ml) Evaporated Milk
1 Big Can (300ml) Condensed Milk
3-4 Tbsp Milo (for milo milk mixture)
1 Tbsp Unflavored White Gelatin Powder
2 Tsp Instant Coffee
2 Cups Water
1 Big Can (370ml) Evaporated Milk
1 Big Can (300ml) Condensed Milk
1 1/2 tsp instant coffee (for coffee milk mixture)
1. In a pot combine mango flavored gelatin powder and water. Stir to dissolve. Turn on stove and stir over medium heat until it boils. Pour jelly mixture into mold and let it cool to set.
2. In a pot combine unflavored white gelatin powder, milo and water. Stir to dissolve. Turn on stove and stir over medium heat until it boils. Pour jelly mixture into mold and let it cool to set.
3. Combine unflavored white gelatin powder, instan coffee and water in a pot. Stir to dissolve. Turn on stove and stir over medium heat until it boils. Pour jelly mixture into mold and let it cool to set. Cut jelly into cubes and set aside.
In a bowl combine evaporated milk, condensed milk and mango powdered juice. Mix well and set aside. Do the same process with Milo and Coffee Mocha Milk mixture.
5. Assemble flavored milk into a glass bottle, container or plastic cups. Using a funnel Push through the jelly cubes and mini tapioca pearls(sago)using a bamboo stick into the glass bottle. And then pour the flavored milk mixture. Cover and chill in the refrigerator before ser